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Legal Notice & General Conditions

Clause n ° 1: Purpose

The general conditions of sale described below detail the rights and obligations of BOKEHLI and its client in connection with the sale of the following goods: artist cards sold on the site.
Any service performed by BOKEHLI therefore implies the buyer's unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

Clause n ° 2: Price

The prices of the goods sold are those in force on the day the order is taken. They are denominated in euros and calculated all taxes included, excluding shipping costs. Consequently, they will be increased by the transport costs applicable on the day of the order.
The BOKEHLI company grants itself the right to modify its prices at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice the goods ordered at the prices indicated when the order is registered.

Clause n ° 3: Discounts and rebates

The proposed prices include the discounts and rebates that the BOKEHLI company would be required to grant given its results or the assumption by the buyer of certain services.

Clause n ° 4: Discount

No discount will be granted in the event of early payment.

Clause n ° 5: Terms of payment

Orders are paid for:

  • By credit card.

When registering the order, the buyer must pay the total amount of the invoice.

Clause n ° 6: Late payment

In the event of total or partial non-payment of the goods delivered on the day of receipt, the buyer must pay BOKEHLI a late payment penalty equal to three times the legal interest rate.
The legal interest rate used is that in force on the day of delivery of the goods.

This penalty is calculated on the total amount of the sum remaining due, and runs from the due date of the price without any prior notice being necessary.

In addition to late payment compensation, any sum, including the deposit, not paid on its due date will automatically produce the payment of a lump sum compensation of 40 euros due for recovery costs.
Articles 441-6, I paragraph 12 and D. 441-5 of the Commercial Code.

Clause n ° 7: Termination clause

If within the fifteen days following the implementation of the "Late payment" clause, the buyer has not paid the sums remaining due, the sale will be automatically terminated and may give rise to the right to the allocation of damages for the benefit of BOKEHLI.

Clause n ° 8: Retention of title clause

The BOKEHLI company retains ownership of the goods sold until full payment of the price, in principal and in accessories. As such, if the buyer is the subject of a reorganization or a judicial liquidation, the company BOKEHLI reserves the right to claim, within the framework of the collective procedure, the goods sold and remained unpaid.

Clause n ° 9: Delivery

Delivery is made:

  • either by direct delivery of the goods to the buyer in the event of withdrawal from the store;

  • or at the place indicated by the buyer when ordering.

The delivery time indicated during the registration of the order is given only as an indication and is in no way guaranteed.

Consequently, any reasonable delay in the delivery of the products cannot give rise to the buyer's benefit to:

  • the award of damages;

  • the cancellation of the order.

The risk of transport is borne in full by the buyer.
In the event of missing or damaged goods during transport, the purchaser must formulate all the necessary reservations in writing within five days of delivery, by registered post.

Clause n ° 10: Force majeure

The responsibility of the BOKEHLI company cannot be implemented if the non-performance or delay in the performance of one of its obligations described in these general conditions of sale results from a case of force majeure. As such, force majeure means any external, unforeseeable and irresistible event within the meaning of article 1148 of the Civil Code.

Clause n ° 11: Competent court

Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of sale is subject to French law.

In the absence of an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the Bordeaux Commercial Court.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Article 1: object

The purpose of these “general conditions of use” is to provide a legal framework for the terms of provision of the services of the site and their use by “the User”.

The general conditions of use must be accepted by any User wishing to access the site. They constitute the contract between the site and the User. Access to the site by the User signifies acceptance of these general conditions of use.

· In the event of non-acceptance of the general conditions of use stipulated in this contract, the User must renounce access to the services offered by the site.

· BOKEHLI reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these general conditions of use at any time.

ARTICLE 2: Legal notices

The site is edited by the BOKEHLI Company.

SARL with a capital of € 7000 whose head office is located at 16 rue bouffard, 33000 Bordeaux (France) - Tel: 0699504225 - Email:

Registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 84974360400019

The Director of the publication is Madame BATAILLE PALLUAUD Elisabeth.

Contact the publication manager:

The host of the site is the Company Inc. whose head office is located at 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158.

ARTICLE 3: Definitions

The purpose of this clause is to define the various essential terms of the contract:

· User: this term designates any person who uses the site or one of the services offered by the site.

· User content: this is the data transmitted by the User within the site.

ARTICLE 4: access to services

The site allows the User free access to the following services:

· Presentation of the BOKEHLI company and products for sale in store.

The site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any User with Internet access. All the costs borne by the User to access the service (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at his expense.

The site implements all the means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being of means, the site does not undertake to achieve this result.

Any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the network or the server does not engage the responsibility of BOKEHLI.

Access to the site's services may at any time be interrupted, suspended, modified without notice for maintenance or for any other case. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, suspension or modification of this contract.

The User has the option of contacting the site by e-mail at

ARTICLE 5: Intellectual property

Trademarks, logos, signs and any other content on the site are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.

The User requests the prior authorization of the site for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents.

The User undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context. Any use of the content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Any content posted by the User is their sole responsibility. The User undertakes not to upload any content that could harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action brought by an injured third party against the site will be borne by the User.

The content of the User can be at any time and for any reason deleted or modified by the site. The User does not receive any justification or notification prior to the deletion or modification of User content.

ARTICLE 6: Personal data

The information requested when ordering on the site is necessary and mandatory for the monitoring and management of product delivery.

The site provides the User with the collection and processing of personal information with respect for privacy in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms.

The data is exclusively processed within the framework of the operation and management of the site.

The data communicated through the forms on the site may be kept by Bokehli for a maximum period of one year from the date of the last contact.

Under Articles 39 and 40 of the Law of January 6, 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his personal data. The User exercises this right via:

· A contact form;

· By email to;

· By post at 16 rue bouffard, 33000 Bordeaux (France).

In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07.

ARTICLE 7: Liability and force majeure

The sources of the information disseminated on the site are deemed reliable. However, the site reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources. The information given on the site is for informational purposes only. Thus, the User alone assumes full responsibility for the use of the information and content of this site.

Any use of the service by the User directly or indirectly resulting in damage must be compensated for the benefit of the site.

An optimum guarantee of the security and confidentiality of the data transmitted is not guaranteed by the site. However, the site undertakes to implement all necessary means to best guarantee the security and confidentiality of data.

The site cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

ARTICLE 8: Hypertext links

Many outgoing hypertext links are present on the site, however the web pages to which these links lead do not in any way engage the responsibility of BOKEHLI which does not have control of these links.

The User is therefore prohibited from engaging the site's responsibility for the content and resources relating to these outgoing hypertext links.

ARTICLE 9: Evolution of the contract

The site reserves the right at any time to modify the clauses stipulated in this contract.

ARTICLE 10: Duration

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract produces its effects with regard to the User from the use of the service.

ARTICLE 11: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

French law applies to this contract. In the absence of amicable resolution of a dispute between the parties, only the courts of the city of Bordeaux are competent.

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