Visual artist, Bordeaux, France
Born in 1976 in Toulouse
Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Bordeaux III
Art price side
My painting explores the field of landscape, sometimes bordering on abstraction. The plant theme has remained my main source of inspiration in recent years.
I approach my practice as an exploration around color by combining different techniques: acrylic and oil painting, pastel, pencil, charcoal, pigments... My work is gestural: I blur, I wipe, I goes over and over my colored flat tints, looking for transparencies and superposition effects.
On the canvas as on the paper, I like the effects of surprise that emerge from the spontaneity of the gesture and the letting go.
Observe, reveal, transform, move… In my opinion, the role of an artist is to lend his gaze to allow perhaps to see the world from another angle, and to make people aware that everyday life can be a source of inspiration.
Find the original works, postcard format, of ESTELLE on sale at BOKEHLI here:
Art cards Bordeaux (33), Boutique BOKEHLI (galerie-d-art-bordeaux.com)