Born in 1953, Marc Bergère spent his childhood in Haut-Marboué, where his parents, sharecroppers and then farmers, ran a mixed crop-livestock farm. The electricity and the tractor are not yet installed. No radio… but lukewarm milk from the udder of Normandy… HEC Commer (high municipal studies), Minor Seminary, College of the Immaculate Conception, Lycée Ambroise Paré in Laval & beginning of philosophy studies in Rennes. Moved to Paris as administrative-budgetary in 2 administrative establishments. Thanks to a sick leave in 2001, he assiduously returned to drawing and painting and found his medium: inks on paper with a strong penchant for crypto-calligraphic and/or surreal productions.
Find the original works, postcard format, by MARC on sale at BOKEHLI here:
Art cards Bordeaux (33), Boutique BOKEHLI (galerie-d-art-bordeaux.com)